RH Sydney Assessments

Why do we Assess Students?

At our school, we believe that the primary aim of assessments should be to equip leaders, teachers, students and parents with powerful insights into the impact of learning methods. Student assessments should be meaningful and follow best practices and metrics recognised by the broader education community. At Reddam House Sydney, we make sure that assessments are timely, informative and related to what teachers are actually teaching.

For students, assessments indicate areas of progress. They also provide insight into whether learning objectives have been met while highlighting areas that may still need to be explored so that learners can enhance their performance. Importantly, learning assessments encourage students to set achievable goals for themselves by objectively measuring their growth.

Cycle Tests

In Year 3, formal academic assessment begins in the form of Cycle Tests, which are an excellent revision tool for our students. Cycle Testing is carried out under formal examination conditions, and the results form the most significant component of the student's mark for the term.

Cycle Testing allows us to track each student's progress and provide in-depth feedback to parents and guardians regarding academic development. Students gain invaluable practice in completing set tasks within a limited time frame which helps them build experience and perform successfully in future examinations. Formal tests are also used as diagnostic tools to let teachers, students and parents know what has been mastered while flagging areas needing consolidation.

Cycle Tests occur regularly and are an essential part of our unique teaching programme. In addition to the above, the function of these tests is to produce a snapshot of what a student has achieved. Parents and guardians are required to view and validate the outcome of these tests via signature, as the school aims to keep families informed of academic progress.

The Cycle Test timetable is given to every child at the beginning of each term.


In addition to regular benchmark testing, students in Years 3 – 11 write an examination at the end of each semester. Students preparing for the HSC benefit from end-of-semester examinations as it gives them an opportunity to review and consolidate the work they have completed previously. Examinations account for the most significant component of a student's overall mark for the year. Reddam House Sydney provides parents with four formal reports each year.

RH Sydney Assessments Exams


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